Fluid Filler
Fluid Filler is a procedural geometry node modifier for Blender 4.1+ that fills containers with a mesh that conforms to its interior.
Features at a glance
Powerful Options for Professional Workflows
🍺Fill any container (truly)
Built for working with nearly any shaped container at real-world scale and beyond.
🍺Surface Tension
Fluid Filler’s meniscus options allow you to adjust the surface of the mesh to mimic surface tension.
🍺Surface displacement
Sometimes a liquid’s surface isn’t perfectly flat.
🍺Add a layer
Add an additional layer to the base layer to create features such as foam.
With the gravity option checked, the surface of the Fluid Filler mesh will stay horizontal when its container is tilted.
Many settings can be animated (key framed). But please note the quality of your animation will be dependent on the quality/style of your container (see known limitations below).
🍺Unconventional uses
You can even do some pretty cool things that aren’t liquid related…
🍺Well-Organized & Documented
We provide you with a clean & well-organized geometry node setup that you can study and modify to meet your needs.
What you can do with Fluid Filler
Probably more than you think!

Fill ANY container
Fill any object with fluid with lots of advanced features.

Add layers (foam)
Add a different layer to the base layer, such as foam.

Many settings can be animated (key framed). But please note the quality of your animation will be dependent on the quality/style of your container (see known limitations below).

Toggle visibility
Fill any object with fluid with lots of advanced features.

Surface Displacement
Sometimes a liquid's surface isn't perfectly flat.

Random Fill
Fill any object with fluid with lots of advanced features.

Expand / Contract
Fill any object with fluid with lots of advanced features.

Standalone liquid
Fill any object with fluid with lots of advanced features.

With gravity checked, liquid will stay flat when you tilt an object.
What you get
Cool stuff.
Bubbles not included
Please note that the bubbles featured in Fluid Filler images are not a feature of the modifier.
🍺Fluid Filler geometry nodes setup
Actual two. Fluid Filler and Fluid Creator. These are node setups that you can analyze and alter if you have the technical skill.
We provide glass, liquid, and foam shaders to get your started.
Glasses and bottles and some other containers. All to real-world scale.
These are assets saved with specific settings to get you started. You can easily copy the Fluid Filler modifier to any container of your choice by dragging them from Blender’s asset browser.
Future updates and assets.
Known limitations
Some things to know
⚠️Fluid Filler is not a fluid simulator
Fluid Filler does not simulate actual fluid dynamics, it just creates an adjustable interior mesh with inputs that allow you to adjust how it looks & behaves.
⚠️Some containers can cause the liquid mesh to “break” at some level percentages
Due to the complexity of some geometry, the generated mesh will sometimes “break” at certain fill levels. Tweaking the fill value will often resolve mesh issues. But because of this, animating smooth trouble-free fluid adjustments can be problematic with some meshes (simple geometry is usually fine).
⚠️Subdivision can cause issues
Again, due to the complexity of some mesh shapes, where and how you add subdivision in your modifier stack can cause issues.
⚠️Fluid Filler geometry is constrained to its container
The geometry created by Fluid Filler is constrained to the interior of the container it resides in.